How to care for your Flemish Giant

As with other pets you will need to give specific needs to your bunnies. You can choose to house your Flemish Giant Rabbit indoor or out! Since you can litter train your bunny, you can let your bunny roam much like a family dog or cat does!

Remember that your bunny should never be completely confined in a cage! Your bunny needs plenty of exercise for good health and temperament. You can keep your bunnies in the cage half the time and let it out to play the other half. Remember to handle your bunnies often to keep them calm. Keep your bunnies protected from direct sun, rain, wind and extreme temperatures (both heat and cold).

Cages keep your bunnies safe from predators such as wild dogs, coyotes, raccoons or other animals that would seek to harm your bunny. You can keep a secondary enclosure to further protect your bunny's cage. It's important to keep a covering, such as plywood, on the bottom of your cage for a ground to rest the feet. The large breed of Flemish Giants not only need more space and a larger cage then other rabbits, but they need a flat surface to protect their feet from sores. Some breeders keep bedding like straw or shavings on top of the floors. Remember to eliminate any buildup about every 3 days to prevent disease and promote cleanliness and health.

Remember to only use a pelleted paper product, such as recycled newspaper, in your bunny's litter box. Scented litters, corncob, walnut shavings, clay litters or clumping litters like you use in a cat box will make your bunny sick.

Remember when taking your bunnies outside to protect them from pesticides, weed killers or high stress situations that could potentially kill your bunny. Some plants can be poisonous to your bunny, so be aware of your surroundings. Also make sure they are tick-free, potential diseases can transmit to your bunny.

Remember to keep water available at all times! Try to think of a dish that can't easily knock over. Keep the water clean and fresh!

Feed your bunny fresh timothy hay, have it available to your bunny continually. It's important to its diet! In addition, give your bunny feed once in the morning and once at night. Introduce new foods slowly and in small quantities. Large quantities can create loose stool which could hurt your bunny. Some vegetables and fruits to consider sharing:
Basil, Bok choy, broccoli leaves (not stems or tops), carrot tops (carrots themselves should be given sparingly because high in calcium), celery, cilantro, clovers, collard greens, kale (sparingly), lettuce (only romaine or dark leaf, do NOT give iceberg or cabbage), mustard greens, parsley, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, pineapple and apples (with no seeds).

  • lettuce
  • high carbohydrate breads, crackers, pasta, pretzels, cookies, chips, cereal, ect.
  • careful of the commercial bunny treats high in fat and sugar